Website Database Design and Development
In a database driven/enabled website the underlying data (for example a content management system (CMS), membership details, product listings or application input) is held in a database separate from the web pages. This database is then accessed through the public website or administration area, allowing people to view and search the information and, if required, update and manage it.

Your web site can be more than an online brochure. Webstorm can help you create a unique web application by building a database into your web site or working with a database you may already have. This creates a whole new level of interaction and functionality. Content, contacts, products, and more become dynamic, flexible and easier to manage, navigate, search and present. Benefits include:
dynamic content
user driven information
customer focused applications
reduced administrative costs
site changes are independent from data/content
direct market research input
live information updates
real time data processing
From the perspective of a visitor to your site, one of the biggest advantages of being database enabled is personalization. Each experience a visitor has with your site can be unique and rewarding. Dynamic content, visitor specific data, and custom tailored information can be presented to your visitors on-the-fly in direct response to their needs and expectations or as dictated by your rules and requirements. For example, an auction house can list items for a visitor based on that individuals interests. Or the site can automatically email that individual when an item of interest is listed for auction. Another example would be a stock house site, that provides specific holding information for that individual upon logon. The examples are endless.